Lets get brutally honest;
Do you struggle with weight problems?
Or have you been on a program and lost a lot of weight and are now struggling to maintain that way of living and eating just to keep the new body you have.?
Or have you been on a program and lost a lot of weight and are now struggling to maintain that way of living and eating just to keep the new body you have.?
If I said I can help you, be honest, what would you think?
(I bet you are already thinking this)
I like my food! So stop teasing me, like so many other people & programs full of empty promises and get back to what you know SC!
What if I tell you I know exactly what you are talking about
because I have been right where you are, and probably worse.
If I told you at one stage in my life I was morbidly obese would
you believe me?
That I come from genes that metabolically speaking really wants
me to be fat?
(Not imaginary fat, really fat).
(Not imaginary fat, really fat).
I have had to work hard to be where I am today and I promise you my results are not just because I used common sense and some google searching.
I have spend over 18 years in the fitness industry, working with
and learning from some of the best men and women there are In New Zealand,
Australia and USA.
I also was lucky enough to study a bachelor in nursing. This has given me experience in diet, nutrition and the training necessary to really help you.
I also was lucky enough to study a bachelor in nursing. This has given me experience in diet, nutrition and the training necessary to really help you.
I have personally developed programs after I was faced with the challenge of being morbidly obese and nothing else would
work. I have beaten the battle and have privately helped many others over the years
to do the same.
So why come forward and do this now, you may ask?
Like you I am tired of the gimmicks. I am sick of people who have no first hand experience in dealing with many of the REAL issues we are faced with when over weight,out of shape or just need to develop a healthier lifestyle.
Many of these program developers have never had a fat day in their life, no children and so on and yet they can give advise as to how to do it and offer empathy and encouragement on something they can not relate to.
I do not like seeing people being taken advantage of, paying hard
earned money for something that is simply common knowledge and without the support and backing to maintain it for life.
It's sad how many diets people will try in their life and how much will be spent not just financially but physically and emotionally to then hit the wall of how to maintain this? How to keep it off? How to stay motivated? How to make it a lifestyle when you don’t enjoy what you are doing.
It's sad how many diets people will try in their life and how much will be spent not just financially but physically and emotionally to then hit the wall of how to maintain this? How to keep it off? How to stay motivated? How to make it a lifestyle when you don’t enjoy what you are doing.
I am honest when I say I have been there. I have faced countless
challenges and over come them and have maintained my body for 8yrs now. I am not only successful in my career as director/pro photographer of SCG but a recognised international fitness model at 38. If I can do it..... Anyone can...
Yes. This is me. (I will share my story another day)
I used my knowledge, experience, years of research and medical background to develop programs that work. I have tried and tested many of them on myself and the ones I can not use (because I recognize we all have different bodies and problems) many have volunteered, followed and succeeded.
Yes. This is me. (I will share my story another day)
I used my knowledge, experience, years of research and medical background to develop programs that work. I have tried and tested many of them on myself and the ones I can not use (because I recognize we all have different bodies and problems) many have volunteered, followed and succeeded.
I offer plans that are designed for individuals. Not one size
fits all.
You will have access to so many exciting things that will help you
to become aware and educated and assist in paving the way to a healthier,
slimmer, happier you.
Follow our blog and 'Real time results' participants.
Watch this group of people, different bodies, ages, both male and
female transform before your eyes.
I will also be showing you how I lean up quickly for a shoot and
my own training.
To be honest this was a very painful time of my life I never
imagined I would expose myself like this to the world, especially given the work I do now and my position in a very superficial, judgmental industry. So while I am anti
deleting/ destroying any image taken I burnt most of my fat pictures. I am glad
I have a couple I can share with you all to show you how far I have come, how hard I had to
fight. But mostly to give those of you who are in that place now, a sense of hope and a
feeling that it is possible.
I do find it hard to put this out there. But you are all worth
So join us and get fit and fabulous and start creating your own SCG
For participants who successfully complete our 12 week challenge programs you will receive a complementary mini photo shoot with SCG to show off your efforts and fabulous achievements xxx
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