Now usually when people hear snap happy and Sarah Campbell in the same sentance it's because im in full swing with my camera. But were not taking cameras... Were talking 'Rubber bands'
Rubber bands???? What on earth am i up to this time???
Read on, trust me, this REALLY works and it helped me not only loose 67kgs in 6 months and keep it off for almost 10 years BUT to also achieve many amazing things. Things that many people would think is impossible and that even I many years ago would never have imagined. SC x
It can take at least 21 days to form a new
habit, any less time than this and it may not be hardwired into your subconcious yet. Habits are an essential part of our life, without them we would fail in
most things we try to accomplish. They help us to reach specific goals,
stay focused along the way and keep on pushing when the things get
touch. At the same time, non-supportive habits can keep us from moving
forward or impact negatively on our lives, wellbeing and progression.
you do with repetition and emotion will become your reality.
If you’re
not satisfied with your current experience, examine your habits.
It doesnt matter what you are setting out to achieve, lose weight, play an instrument, play a sport etc believe it or not even changing negative habits into positive ones takes time. The
problem for most people is that they actually try to attack their issues too quickly and by almost force in the
beginning and then poof..... they give up if they don’t
see instant results.
You need to give things the right amount of time, before you know it you will be doing things on auto pilot and well on your way to achiving the big things.
To create a new habit and in order to re-train your
subconscious mind you need to be truly focused and consistent, it’s important
to set your intentions, plan, prepare before you start.
(I will write another blog on planning)
Remember your mind is in consist ‘protection’ mode so
you may hear naughty little voices saying things like ‘ Ummm this is so stupid,
I am fine the way I am’ or ‘OK So I feel like a dork doing this, forget it’!
WELL..... (Said with
pointy finger and a bobble head action) Don’t you dare listen to it!!!! Where
has that same little voice lead you so far?
It's time to clean house!!!
I want you to seriously focus and remember your goals
and how you really want your life to be. Why you are here reading this now.
Anything is possible for as long as you believe it is!
It often takes an action to become "aware of the negative
thought" and immediately replace it with a positive thought will help to
irradiate those thoughts!
Throughout the day we have about 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts, 50% are fear
based and around 80% are recurring thoughts we’ve had before.
Here are a few examples of fear based thoughts:
I can’t do it, I’m not good enough, I’m not attractive enough, I’m fat, I’m not important, I’m too tired, I’m not smart enough, I should quit, I always quit,
Patterns of negative self talk will often start from childhood which continues to affect us throughout our adult years. This behaviour has to stop or you will continue to manifest negativity and its effects into your life.
We are gunna get you snap happy! The snapping technique teaches you how to instantly snap out of negative thoughts and brings you to a higher vibration by replacing those thoughts with positive ones, snapping you back into a positive state.
This rubber band method has been used for many years and has help thousands of people all around the world. Mark Victor Hanson and Robert G Allen stands by it in their best selling book ‘The one minute millionaire‘ and so does T Harv Eker as he uses it in his millionaire mindset seminars. Many other life coaches would recommend using this rubber band therapy to help you become more aware of your thoughts and to remove those negative thought patterns.
Here are a few examples of fear based thoughts:
I can’t do it, I’m not good enough, I’m not attractive enough, I’m fat, I’m not important, I’m too tired, I’m not smart enough, I should quit, I always quit,
Patterns of negative self talk will often start from childhood which continues to affect us throughout our adult years. This behaviour has to stop or you will continue to manifest negativity and its effects into your life.
We are gunna get you snap happy! The snapping technique teaches you how to instantly snap out of negative thoughts and brings you to a higher vibration by replacing those thoughts with positive ones, snapping you back into a positive state.
This rubber band method has been used for many years and has help thousands of people all around the world. Mark Victor Hanson and Robert G Allen stands by it in their best selling book ‘The one minute millionaire‘ and so does T Harv Eker as he uses it in his millionaire mindset seminars. Many other life coaches would recommend using this rubber band therapy to help you become more aware of your thoughts and to remove those negative thought patterns.
regular rubber band, (not too thick, not
too thin).
Your wrist
30 Days (to start)
- Place your band on your wrist (this should feel slightly loose)
- Keep your snap happy band on at all times even in the shower and when you are sleeping.
- Commit at least 30 days to wearing your snap happy band on
- Every time you think of a negative thought, pull the band and snap it against your wrist (whilst saying that negative thought either silently or out loud at the same time )
- Once you have snapped the band, take your other hand and rub the same place where you snapped it. When doing this replace the negative thought with a positive one.
- Here is an example of what you may think.
"I will fail on this program” – (snap!)"
"I am so motivated and determined – (rub)"
"I am in control of me” – (rub)"
"I can achieve anything if I really want to - (rub!)"
"I am so motivated and determined – (rub)"
"I am in control of me” – (rub)"
"I can achieve anything if I really want to - (rub!)"
So you SNAP at the
same time as you say your negative thought, then you RUB as you replace that thought with a positive
Do this every single time you think a negative
NOTE: This will sting a little and will serve as a negative consequence, by
snapping your wrist you send a message to your subconscious mind which will
then associate the negative thought with the pain of being snapped, in turn it will
do its best to avoid thinking or feeling that negative thought in the future.
are motivated to do things in two ways. To either avoid pain or to gain
pleasure. Immediate rewards and punishments have a greater impact on
behaviour than larger, delayed ones, so by instantly snapping your wrist (giving pain) and then rubbing it
straight after (giving pleasure) you
can train your mind to create new thought patterns (positive ones)
Remember it all begins with you, don’t let anyone or anything get in
your way, so let’s get things started right now and get snap happy!!!!
To find out more about what SCG Body can do for you please contact us on the link below
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